艺术 & 文化


view of past, present-future colorful mural in Avery's lobby

“Favorite thing about Pitzer – the physical campus, specifi呼叫y the murals! The murals tell the story of who we are, what we stand for, and what matters to us.”

Dey Wallace-McKinstry ' 25


100+ 壁画

Students paint most of the murals on campus, while others were completed by world-renowned artists.

建筑商. 制造商. 实干家.

Pitzer students are free thinkers who see art as more than art. 无论是在纸上还是舞台上的壁画, 画廊, or student-run arts and music festivals – art has the potential for social commentary and community building. 在这里,你可以把你最初的想法变成现实.


在Pitzer的校园里,五颜六色的壁画随处可见. All students can express themselves on our iconic, changing 免费的墙 on Mead Hall. Students who want to add to our permanent public art collection can submit a proposal to the Campus Aesthetics Committee.



Pitzer学院美术馆 believes in the power of art to inspire, engage, and transform. The Galleries facilitates exhibitions and collaborations with artists and the Pitzer community. 你也可以申请成为画廊的学生研究员! 画廊的同伴 support dialogue about the social and cultural impact of contemporary art and ideas.

音乐 & 表演

我们在校园里到处都有现场音乐和表演场地. Grove House举办开放式麦克风, 阅读, 艺术的开口, 以及“Grove的Groove”音乐表演. You can also stop by The Shakedown Sounds, a bi-weekly open mic at the Shakedown Café.

值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台还举办了两场由学生举办的艺术活动 & 每年的音乐节.

艺术 & 音乐节


Pitzer’s Latinx Student Union, an on-campus affinity group, sponsors this festival each year. Since 2007, 山区乡村摇滚乐 has celebrated SoCal Latinx art, music, and car culture. All funds raised from the event are donated to community organizations and service projects.



This annual music and arts festival is Pitzer’s first and oldest tradition. 科胡特克彗星以1973年出现的一颗彗星命名. 媒体大肆宣传它是“世纪彗星”.不幸的是,彗星的展示并没有给人留下深刻的印象. Then in true Pitzer fashion, a professor turned a spectacular dud into a spectacularly original idea. 因此,科胡特克彗星节诞生了!


艺术 & 我们的价值观

Pitzer’s Core Values come alive on our campus in a variety of ways. See how the value of student engagement turns art into action.


“学生们练习积极的干扰. 米德大厅的免费墙, which evolves and changes in relation to the campus community climate, 最能唤起这种精神的例子是什么.”



1 免费的墙

On a north-facing wall on Mead Hall, students add to and change the murals here throughout the year.


梅尔文L. 奥利弗站在匹泽的本森礼堂的讲台上.
梅尔文L. 奥利弗 introduces a guest lecturer at a 种族正义倡议 event. 

梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议 hosts thought-provoking lectures and panel discussions. Guest speakers explore how racial justice manifests in politics, history, literature, film, and more. 该倡议以名誉主席梅尔文·L·盖茨的名字命名. 奥利弗.


访问 our 种族正义倡议 page to view past lectures and workshops. 

A speaker stands at the podium with the 匹泽学院校徽.
Fr. 格雷格•博伊尔, 创始人, 老乡的行业, 发表题为, 《心上的纹身:无限慈悲的力量."

The Pepper Distinguished 访问ing Artist Lecture was established in 2007. Acclaimed artists and scholars hold seminars, workshops, and one-on-one conversations with students. The lecture is made possible by Trustee Emeritus Murray Pepper and Vicki Reynolds Pepper. They are the grandparents of David Pepper ’17 and Morgan Pepper ’12.

A speaker talks on the mic to a classroom of people in Broad Hall.
 Bayo Akomolafe, 诗人, 哲学家, 心理学家, 和教授, 主持2023年玻璃人文讲座. 

The Glass Humanities Lecture showcases leading international figures in the humanities. Guest speakers have delved into 诗人ry, art, philosophy, classical studies, and more. 这个讲座是以约翰·A·约翰的名字命名的. 麦卡锡古典学名誉教授史蒂芬·L. 格拉斯是创始教师之一,他的妻子格拉斯博士(Dr. 桑德拉玻璃. It is made possible by the support of Nancy Rose Bushnell ’69.



KSPC Claremont致力于成为一个多元化的, 协作, and educational space for Claremont Colleges students and beyond. Community members come together to share their love of music and radio. KSPC provides a platform for new, local, and underrepresented voices.


访问KSPC网站收听现场直播,查看节目时间表 & 播放列表,以及如何参与的信息.


The Pomona College Department of 剧院 serves the five undergraduate Claremont Colleges. The department presents four major productions each year in Seaver 剧院. The department also co-sponsors a dynamic season of student-generated productions.


访问 Pomona College's 剧院 Department site for more information and resources. 

The choirs and orchestra of the 联合音乐课程 perform in Scripps Garrison Theater.

The 联合音乐课程 serves Pitzer, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, and Scripps Colleges. We offer music study and performance opportunities for majors and non-majors. Our program sponsors three ensembles: Claremont Concert Orchestra, 克莱蒙特音乐会合唱团, 和克莱蒙特高音歌手.


For more information and resources, visit The 联合音乐课程 site. 


The Rick and Susan Sontag Center for Collaborative Creativity, 又名, 蜂巢, is an intercollegiate design center that focuses on human-centered design. 蜂巢 offers workshops in woodworking, screen printing, and more. You can also take full courses to hone your skills and work on real-world projects.


访问 蜂巢's website for more information on courses, workshops, and resources. 


From a cappella to ballroom dance, you can try many artistic pursuits. Take your pick of 5C clubs in visual art, music, dance, creative writing, and more.


访问进行, the 5C resource for clubs and extracurricular activities throughout 克莱蒙特学院. 
